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Prof. Evans Wins Lepley Award

Recently, ECE presented the prestigious Gordon T. Lepley IV Endowed Memorial Teaching Award to Prof. Brian Evans. Dr. Evans was an obvious choice for both his classroom performance and curricular reforms. Almost 1,000 students have taken his real-time digital signal processing laboratory course where they translate theoretical ideas into working prototypes. He has also guided 100+ senior design students through their projects and supervised 16 Ph.D. and 8 M.S. students to degree completion.

Prof. Evans facilitated the 2000-2001 undergraduate ECE curriculum reform discussions, with co-chair Prof. Craig Chase. The result was modernized course content, more electives, and reduced redundancy. Students had more choices and a faster finish. To implement the reform, Prof. Evans has been scheduling ECE classes since fall 2002 and—based on student feedback—he eliminated 8:00 am courses. Prof. Evans is currently an integral part of the current ECE curriculum reform discussions being chaired by Profs. Michael Orshansky and Sanjay Shakkottai.