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Assistive Robotic Modular Manipulator

The ARMM (Assistive Robotic Modular Manipulator) is a robotic arm that can be controlled by a user's arm movements and gestures. Various industrial robotic arms have come before the ARMM to automate laborious tasks, such as palletizing, welding, and various pick-and-place manufacturing jobs. In manufacturing, research, and the general field of robotics, robotic armatures are some of the most common types of robots used today. However, these are often preprogrammed with set routines and are usually not controlled in real time by a user. For direct control, a controller mechanism is frequently employed for robotic arms, such as a joystick or levers, that is opposed to natural human arm and hand movements. Our goal with the ARMM is to give users maximum control of a robotic system with the most intuitive controller that exists: one's own arm.

Team Members:

Jason Kacines
Logan Liberty
Anthony Luu
Alejandro Nunez Bravo
Zayam Tariq
Julia Tran
Aeybel Varghese
