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Autonomous Plant Watering System

Plant health can be negatively affected by over-enthusiasm as well as from neglect. Some factors that harm plants are over-watering, dehydration, dormancy, and light levels. Due to the lack of information when it comes to gardening and agriculture, many plant owners end up either over or under-watering which leads to poor plant health. So, the team proposed to create an autonomous irrigation system that would automate and track the times the plants were watered. By integrating a range of sensors and employing a sophisticated communication system, the proposed device and web application can provide users with a tool to effortlessly monitor the well-being of their plants. 

Team Members:

Alexis Torres
Evan Lebel
Ian Skillman
Jaime Sanchez
Javier Padilla
Jesus Hernandez
Kiet Le
Rodrigo Romero
