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Indoor Ranging Methods For Navigation

With the growing applications of technology, agricultural equipment has seen an immense surge in technological advancements in recent years. Indoor Methods of Navigation seeks to add to these technological advancements by determining the most efficient and effective range-finding method when used indoors or in areas where GPS cannot effectively track positioning. Our project focuses on “range-finding” or accurately utilizing technology to determine the distance from a sensor to a receiver. John Deere tasked our team to test four different range-finding methods, ultra-wideband, radar, ultrasonic, and vision, to determine the method that is most effective against degradation characteristics. Through our testing, our team gathered range-finding data that helped identify key degradation characteristics for each sensor. After analyzing the degradation characteristics and data, our team proposed a sensing method recommendation to John Deere.

Team Members:

Ben Carlton
Garin Ashby
Harsha Jandhyala
Jason Hahn
Everardo Riojas

John Deere