Texas ECE PhD student Kristi Nguyen has received the Best Student Paper Award from the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2022 for her work on "Near-Spurious-Free Lithium Niobate Resonator for Piezoelectric Power Conversion with Q of 3500 and kt2 of 45%." Kristi is supervised by Prof. Ruochen Lu in the UT RF Acoustic Microsystems Group.
IEEE IUS aims to "bring together more closely the ultrasonics communities around the world with the ultrasonics industry." IEEE IUS first edition was held more than 50 years ago. The 2022 IUS was held in Venice, Italy from October 10-13, 2022.
Kristi received her BS in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University in 2021 and joined Texas ECE in August 2021.