Ramesh Yerraballi has been selected to hold a Dad’s Association Centennial Teaching Fellowship during Fall 2017. Established by the University of Texas System Board of Regents in 1983, faculty members considered to the fellowships should be actively engaged in the instruction of freshman undergraduates. This award recognizes Yerraballi’s excellence in teaching and his commitment to undergraduate education. Nina Telang was the last ECE recipient in 2014-2015.
Dr. Yerraballi is a Distinguished Senior Lecturer at Texas ECE. His teaching interests and experience span a broad swath of the Computing curriculum from, Theory of Computing, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introductory, Object-Oriented and Systems Programming, Operating Systems, Real-Time Systems, Distributed Systems, Computer Architecture and Performance Analysis of Computer Systems. He has taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and particularly enjoys teaching at the undergraduate level.