Texas ECE PhD candidate Zhicheng Guo has been awarded the Transformer Association (TTA) Fellowship from the Transformer Association for 2022. The program is "a competitive fellowship based on academic merit and the applicant’s demonstrated experience and interest in the field of power conversion with the review of applications and the judgment of the TTA Scholarship Committee and Board of Directors. As a recipient of the fellowship, Zhicheng has been invited to attend this year’s TTA Fall Meeting, November 29 - December 1, 2022, in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Zhicheng Guo received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and automation at Southeast University and join Texas ECE in Fall 2018. He is working with the UT Semiconductor Power Electronics Center (SPEC) run under the supervision of Prof. Alex Q. Huang.
His research interests include renewable energy/EV fast charger/energy storage/grid-connected converter applications and wide bandgap power devices applications. He currently focuses on the key technologies for Solid-state transformers (high-power magnetic, SiC intelligent power module design). He is also working on reliability (partial discharge) and insulation design of modern power electronics systems.