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Texas Grid and Market Analytics

ERCOT manages the electricity infrastructure and market in Texas. This senior design team created an interactive web dashboard that improves upon the existing ERCOT dashboard. The dashboard features data visualizations and easy-to-access explanations for the important features of the ERCOT data. The current ERCOT data available on the web dashboard are System-Wide Demand, Generation by Fuel Types, System Frequency, Wind and Photovoltaic Power Generation, and Market Prices. The system architecture utilizes AWS Web Services to host the frontend and backend, in which both data requests are managed by Flask. The data are extracted from the ERCOT website into a MySQL database using AWS Lambda functions supported by AWS RDS.

Team Members

Umar Burney, Inyoung Choi, Jezryll Garcia, Shanil Jasani, Sohaib Khan, Ryan Krogfoss
