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2022 Spring

Semester Short

Evaluation of a Biosensing Headrest

The team’s project consists of evaluating the measurement capabilities of a biosensing headrest provided by Nissan. The headrest is meant to be able to detect differences in high and low arousal levels of automobile drivers, and the team’s goal was to verify its effectiveness. To do so, the team was tasked with researching and creating procedures to induce high and low arousal states in different subjects, physically implementing these procedures and measuring their outputs, and analyzing the results in comparison with the Nissan headrest.

Evaluation Of Effects Of An Active Automobile Seat On Arousal Levels

Properly identifying a car passenger’s arousal level has been a long-term challenge for those in the automotive industry. Whether the passenger is in a state of low arousal (drowsiness) or high arousal (road rage), automakers seek a way to determine arousal level in order to help the passenger reach a more neutral level of arousal. There are systems in place to monitor arousal levels, what remains missing is a system that can directly influence the passenger’s arousal level.

Oracle Cloud Resource Management (ORM) Kit

Currently, developers must utilize a slow and unautomated User Interface to specify resources needed for applications. The Oracle Cloud Resource Management kit seeks to change that by providing a java application to allow developers to define resources and dependencies quickly and efficiently in code. The design will consist of a top module with which users of the Oracle Cloud Developer Kit can specify which resources they would like to deploy.

50V Battery Pack with Inverting Output and WiFi Communication

Power outages worldwide cause inconveniences to both the consumer and businesses. This could mean damages to household equipment, interruptions of bank transactions, or even physical damages to the person themselves. Although a majority of power outages are under 5 hours, this is still an inconvenient amount of time. Alongside this, is the issue of energy storage. With the advent of climate change, devices that shift and store renewable energy are vital to renewable energy adoption.

Retail Defender

Retail Defender is a capacitive touch/proximity solution that retailers can use to help deter shoplifting to adapt to the changing technologies. We have created a custom PCB that interfaces with Texas Instruments’ capacitive MCUs to address our problem. Our PCB has haptics, LEDs, LCD, a speaker, capacitive touch keypad, and capacitive touch/proximity sensing area. The object to be detected should be placed in the circular area of our PCB, the sensing plate.

IoT Vitals Monitoring and Localization System

Our project provides users with a wearable, wireless health monitoring system based on the Internet-of-Things paradigm. In tandem with a set of wireless satellite nodes and data analysis software, our lightweight and low-power monitor offers users enhanced peace of mind by continuously monitoring their heart rate and motion for emergencies while at home. In the event of such a problem, the user, along with any doctors or loved ones, can be alerted by phone and/or email.

Predicting Trends of $TXN

The goal of this project is to create a predictive model to analyze trends of TI Stock and verify its functionality, accuracy, and performance. This predictive model has the potential to be utilized by Texas Instruments, our industry sponsors, to aid their investors in making better investment decisions while investing in the company with respect to the semiconductor industry and the market in general.

Team Members

Nafeezur Chowdhury, Abhiram Edupuganti, Niko Kumar,Hasanain Manesia, Zakky Momin, Raghav Mutreja, Sachin Subramanian, Gurshan Virk


RWE Renewables has identified a large inefficiency in the maintenance of some of their older models of wind turbines. When a circuit breaker in the cabinet at the top of the turbine faults, they have no means of knowing which breaker it was or a means to reset it without sending a technician out to climb the turbine and simply flip a switch. Our project is the beginning phase of a full system to detect which breaker has faulted, relay that to the technicians/control center through both existing systems and custom-built solutions, and attempt to reset the breaker remotely.

Developing a Framework for Hybrid CPU Validation

Motivated by the recent trend towards hybrid CPUs containing more than one type of core, our project strives to develop a framework for the validation of the functional equivalence of the cores in a hybrid CPU. Our focus is on process migration between different cores, tests for saving and restoring memory images, and tests for cache accesses. The framework utilizes VTune performance analysis to record hardware events for chosen tests, either custom tests or chosen benchmark applications.

qTest Automation and Testing

Our problem requires us to design and implement an API wrapper for qTest, a test case management tool, as they migrate from their previous one, qMetry. qTest is a cloud based tool developed by Tricentis that offers a variety of tools which allow developers to track, organize, and report testing with ease.

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