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Joint Communication and Sensing v2.0

6G networking is steps away! Joint Communication and Sensing v2.0 has continued the work of creating a testable and scalable system to optimize and refine communication and sensing processes. This involves optimizing both a testbed system and eventually establishing a stronger foundation for managing frequency better. Our project builds off of an existing testbed system that utilizes a CPU-run algorithm and a radio to gather, analyze, and identify usable frequency. The intent of v2.0 was to expand the testbed and make improvements to such processes. This included switching from CPU to a GPU accelerator to optimize processes from a hardware standpoint and algorithm optimization from a software standpoint. Furthermore, automating the two-step process of gathering and analyzing data was a development that v2.0 provides. Testing has shown that the optimizations implemented has significantly decreased processing times. This opens the door for next steps in tackling efficient frequency management and eventually, 6G networking.

Team Members

Bryan Ding
Gerald Liu
Jose Olmedo
Raffer Li
Robert Scott
Tobyan Sohn
