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Repetio: Spaced Repetition Web App

Repetio is a Spaced Repetition Web App designed to help users improve flashcard memorization. The application is designed to make the learning process more efficient and effective by showing the users different flashcards at specific time intervals in order to improve recall. With Repetio, users can create accounts with their own flashcard decks and cards. As users study the flashcards, metadata is tracked by the machine learning model which uses user performance and history to gauge when a card should be presented to the user again. If the user answers correctly, the model will present the card to them at a later time which is dependent on multiple factors such as user-rated difficulty and history. If they answer incorrectly, the card is presented sooner with the exact time calculated based on the user’s historical performance on the card. By using spaced repetition via its custom machine learning model, Repetio makes it easier to learn and recall information over the long term.

Team Members

Stephanie Anderson
Christopher Calizzi
Alexander Castaneda
Jason DSouza
Austin Taack
