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Prof. Christine Julien to receive 2015 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award

Professor Christine Julien, associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin's Cockrell School of Engineering will be awarded the prestigious 2015 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards this August. It is considered to be the highest teaching honor bestowed by the University of Texas System Board of Regents.

On receiving the news about the award, Prof. Julien, said, “ It is a great honor to have received such a prestigious award. I’ve been teaching for over 11 years now and there has never been a dull moment. I’ve enjoyed teaching young minds and it has been very rewarding”.

The 2015 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching awards are offered annually to selected faculty members across the University of Texas System institutions who have demonstrated extraordinary classroom performance and innovation in undergraduate instruction. These recognitions are amongst the largest in the nation with a monetary award of $25,000 for rewarding outstanding faculty performance.

Prof. Julien joined The University of Texas at Austin in 2004. Currently, she is a member of the Center for Advanced Research Engineering (ARiSE) and the director of the Mobile and Pervasive Computing Laboratory at Texas ECE. Her research focuses on software engineering and dynamic, unpredictable networked environment.

For Prof. Julien her research and her passion for teaching go hand-in-hand. She believes that teaching is an important way to reach her students. “For me, the key to teaching is to connect to the students. This is both in the way I listen and present to the students and also in how I format the material to be relevant and important to them. It is a tough balancing act, where you have to convince and engage students at the same time”, she adds.

At Texas ECE, Prof. Julien has developed two new graduate level courses with an emphasis on software engineering research. The National Science Foundation (NSF), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Department of Defense and Freescale Semiconductors have also supported her research. Her work has also been recognized the by an NSF CAREER award and an AFOSR Young Investigator Award, and the results have appeared in many peer reviewed journals and conference papers.