Prof. David Pan, PhD student Subhendu Roy, and their Mentor Graphics collaborators have received the Best Paper Award at the 23rd ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD). The award recognizes David's paper "Clock Tree Resynthesis for Multi-corner Multi-mode Timing Closure," which was presented at the meeting last week in Petaluma, California. David's co-authors are Subhendu Roy, Pavlos M. Mattheakis and Laurent Masse-Navette.
ISPD’14 is sponsored by ACM/SIGDA with Technical Co-Sponsorship from IEEE CAS. The conference is also supported by Altera, ATopTech, Cadence, IBM Research, ICScape, Intel, Mentor Graphics, Oracle, Synopsys, and Xilinx.
Prof. Pan and his former student Kun Yuan received this Best Paper Award three years ago at ISPD 2011.