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Prof. Sarfraz Khurshid and his co-authors Chandrasekhar Boyapati and Darko Marinov Receive the ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award for 2012

Prof. Sarfraz Khurshid and his co-authors Chandrasekhar Boyapati and Darko Marinov Receive the ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award for 2012


UT ECE professor Sarfraz Khurshid and his co-authors Chandrasekhar Boyapati and Darko Marinov received the ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award for 2012.

The three co-authors received the at the International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) 2012. The award recognizes Sarfraz’ paper "Korat: Automated testing based on Java predicates.” The paper was published at the ACM/SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) 2002 while all three authors were Ph.D. students at MIT. Dr. Chandrasekhar Boyapati now works at Google and Dr. Darko Marinov is an Associate Professor at UIUC.

As the recipients of the 2012 ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper award, the three co-authors delivered a keynote entitled "Systematic Software Testing: The Korat Approach" at FSE 2012. The website for the conference keynotes is:

According to the web site, “The ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award is presented annually to the author(s) of a paper presented at a SIGSOFT sponsored or co-sponsored conference held at least 10 years prior to the award year. In including all of SIGSOFT's conferences in the competition, this award recognizes the breadth and vitality of the software engineering community. The papers are judged by their influence since their publication. The award includes a $1000 honorarium to be split amongst the authors as they choose, an award plaque for each author, an invitation for the authors to present a keynote talk at the current year's annual SIGSOFT Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) symposium, as well as inclusion of a full-length paper in the SIGSOFT conference proceedings.”