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New Sensor May Soon Test for Coronavirus and Flu Simultaneously

New Sensor May Soon Test for Coronavirus and Flu Simultaneously

“With a second wave of the coronavirus likely to appear right as we get into flu season, there’s an urgent need for diagnostics that can differentiate between COVID-19 and influenza,” said Deji Akinwande, a professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
New Imaging Discovery Could Take Tech Behind Self-Driving Cars to the Next Level

New Imaging Discovery Could Take Tech Behind Self-Driving Cars to the Next Level

The team’s findings were published in May in Nature Photonics. The team includes UT’s Seth R. Bank, a professor in the Cockrell School’s Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering, UT electrical and computer engineering Ph.D. student Stephen March, and, from UVA, Campbell and postdoc Andrew Jones.

Prof. Bovik, Prof. Vishwanath and Students Win EURASIP Best Paper Awards

Prof Alan Bovik, Prof. Sriram Vishwanath and their students have been awarded 2020 EURASIP Best Paper Awards.
New 5G Switches Mean Battery Life Improvements

New 5G Switches Mean Battery Life Improvements, Higher Bandwidth and Speeds

Prof. Deji Akinwande and his research team published their findings today in the journal Nature Electronics.
ECE Honors 2019-2020 Award Winners

ECE Honors 2019-2020 Award Winners

Texas ECE held a Virtual Honors event on Wednesday, May 20 to honor students and faculty for their successes and contributions during the 2019-2020 academic year.
A New Building Block Emerges to Power the Ultra-fast Computer Processors

A New Building Block Emerges to Power the Ultra-fast Computer Processors of the Future

The discovery is part of a larger $6.5 million project sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and led by electrical and computer engineering professors Ray Chen and David Z. Pan.

Texas ECE Researchers Respond to COVID-19

Texas ECE is on the front lines of the global response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our researchers are racing to develop innovations to support the fight against COVID-19.

Winners of Inaugural Intel ASIC Design Contest Announced

Two student teams in Prof. Jaydeep Kulkarni’s 382M.8 VLSI-II course won the inaugural Intel Outstanding ASIC Design Contest for their excellent performance in the final class project.  A team of experts headed by Dr. Prashant Joshi from Intel Austin Design Center served as judges for this design contest.

Prof. Kulkarni and Prof. Dodabalapur Receive a SRC Grant to Develop 3-Dimensional Memory Technologies

They plan to develop novel BEOL transistor technologies to realize low power, high density, 3-D stacked SRAM technologies which can potentially address energy efficient data storage needs of next generation Integrated Circuits.

Texas-made Big & Mini site helps young people hang out with seniors stuck in isolation

“It was really a quick turnaround because my friends and I were galvanized into action by the fact that we had found some way to help. We’d been in quarantine for quite some time and were itching to help,” Zhou said.