Dr. Dewayne Perry is a Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, and holds the Motorola Regents Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The first half of Dewayne Perry's computing career was spent as a professional programmer. The next 16 years were spent doing software engineering research at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill NJ. His appointment at UT Austin began January 2000. He is on the advisory board for Wiley's Software Process: Improvement & Practice; a former associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; a member of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE Computer Society; associate editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems; and has served as organizing chair, program chair and program committee member on the premiere software engineering conferences.
As a Research Software Engineer and Architect, his goals are to establish principles about, and to improve practice for, building and evolving large-scale software and process systems. In his theoretical work, he looks for fundamental mechanisms such as the role of feedback and control in evolution processes and the role of architecture in system design, construction and evolution. In his empirical work, he primarily uses the results to prune his theoretical work, but also to create empirical methods when needed to support that work. An effect of his many interactions with software developments is the transfer of practical insights about their products and processes.