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Academic Enrichment/Free Electives

Academic Enrichment, or Free Electives, allow ECE students to select 14 hours of coursework to support his or her personal or career goals. This degree requirement is meant to be flexible and allow students to pursue different interests, both in ECE and in other majors and schools. At least one course must be an advanced math/basic science course and students can only have three hours of lower division total. Before registering for any courses, students are strongly encouraged to look through the Course Database for a list of pre-approved courses. As seen on the Course Database, students can select additional ECE courses or choose courses in other departments or schools.

Academic Enrichment

For students under 2014-2016 and 2016-2018 catalogs, Academic Enrichment is an optional secondary tech core. Student must first declare Academic Enrichment as their secondary tech core via a form found on the Tech Core/Component page. After a student has declared Academic Enrichment as their secondary tech core, students are required to submit an AE Qualtrics Survey with their AE courses listed so an ECE advisor can update the degree audit. If a student wants to petition a course that is not on the approved Course Database, they can do so via the AE Qualtrics Survey.

Free Electives

For students under the 2018-2020 and 2020-2022 catalogs, Free Electives is a required part of their degree. Student must first declare their tech component via a form found on the Tech Core/Component page in order for Free Electives to show up on the degree audit. If a student wants to petition a course that is not on the approved Course Database, they can do so via the Free Electives Petition.


Academic Enrichment and Free Electives Guidelines
Acceptable and Unacceptable Courses
Academic Enrichment and Free Elective Course Database
Free Electives Petition Instructions