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Texas ECE offers a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering with the option of two ABET-accredited programs of study: Electrical Engineering or Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering. Effective Fall 2022, Texas ECE offers a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. ABET accreditation of the Electrical and Computer Engineering program will be sought in 2024. All three programs have a common two-year basic sequence for first- and second-year students to focus on the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering. In the junior year, students will select areas of specialization based on their interests and career goals.

Degree Flowcharts and 4-Year Plans


2018-2020 Catalog

Degree Flowchart
4-Year Plan

2020-2022 Catalog

Degree Flowchart
4-Year Plan

2022-2024 Catalog

Degree Flowchart

ECE Honors Degree Flowchart

ECB Honors Degree Flowchart

2022-2024 Catalog

Degree Flowchart

ECE Honors Degree Flowchart 

ECB Honors Degree Flowchart


Technical Components/Cores

ECE students in all of our programs choose a technical component to create a more specialized academic concentration within their degree plan. Please click on the link below for further detailed information on our tech core and tech components.


Free Electives

ECE students are required to complete Free Electives. Free Electives includes 14 hours of coursework to support his or her personal or career goals. At least three hours must be an advanced math or basic science course.  Before registering for these courses, students are strongly encouraged to click on the link below for further detailed information.


Non-ECE Required Curriculum

In addition to ECE coursework, all Electrical and Computer Engineering students must fulfill several other required courses and electives including:

  • One (1) Visual and Performing Arts Course
  • One (1) Social & Behavioral Science Course 
  • Two (2) History Courses
  • Two (2) Government Courses
  • One (1) Additional Upper Division EE course (18-20 Catalog only)
  • One (1) Approved 3-hour Free Elective (14-16, 16-18 Catalog only)

All coursework used towards the BSEE degree MUST be taken for a letter grade.

Visual and Performing Arts Elective

Each student must complete three semester hours of coursework in American Studies, Architecture, Art History, Classical Civilization, Core Texts and Ideas, Fine Arts, Music, Philosophy, Radio-Television-Film, Theatre and Dance, or Visual Art Studies. Note: Courses in performance, studio or ensemble are not permitted to satisfy this requirement. 

Social and Behavioral Science Elective

Each student must complete three semester hours of coursework in Social & Behavioral Science Elective. Some of these classes have sections that will satisfy either the Cultural Diversity or Global Cultures flag that is required for all Catalogs. 

Texas Legislative Requirement for Government

The Texas Education Code (Subchapter F, §51.301) requires Texas public university and community college students to complete six semester hours of coursework in government/political science, study of the US and Texas constitutions and related subjects.

Legislative Requirement for History

All students are required to take 6 hours of American History to fulfill the legislative requirement.  Please note that only three (3) hours of Texas History may be used towards the legislative requirement.

View Courses

Flag Requirements