All Texas ECE senior students complete a yearlong capstone design course sequence, solving open-ended problems in groups of 5-7 students.
During the length of the project the team will:
Gather all the necessary specifications and requirements for the project.
Research the project and work on preliminary designs.
Write a proposal for the company and deliver a preliminary system design report.
Work on a final design, prototype, testing and validation.
Understand and identify unintended consequences of engineering devices and processes.
Prepare all project documentation for the company.
Prepare a final oral presentation and poster presentation for the Capstone Design Showcase.
Company sponsors partner with faculty and student teams, providing funding, equipment, industry expertise, and mentoring as the team works toward a successful outcome and prototype to solve a design problem.
Benefits to companies
Build student relationships that may lead to targeted talent acquisition
Build brand and visibility on campus through project showcases open to public
Gain from student focus and fresh ideas on industry issues (no guarantee of turnkey solutions, IP, or specific results as project output may differ from original project submission)
Considering a project submission? Learn more about how it works.