RISE 2030 – Student Experience and Student Success

Critical Success Factors
Texas ECE is committed to supporting student success through establishing Community, Academic Support, Rapport with Faculty and TAs, and Employment and career guidance (CARE).
Initiatives and Programs
The ECE CARE handbook for ECE faculty and staff will include a list of initiatives and programs, committee members leading these programs, and timelines for implementation.
Increase feeling of belonging, connect with peers, broadening participation through community building events, dedicated graduate student informal gathering spaces and events, mental health student ambassadors in student organization, multicultural engagement workshops, expanded advising info sessions, expanded ECE FIGs and second year retention programs.
Academic Support
Provide tutoring, advising and registration, emergency support, information to make decisions through expanded TALENT Success program, tutoring program, emergency plan for students falling behind, ECE-specific ombuds, ECE Testing (or make up testing) Center, ECE Academic Advising-led training, support for students who may be struggling academically or personally.
Rapport with Faculty and TAs
Develop undergraduate assistant training program, mentoring programs offered to all undergraduate students.
Employment and Career Guidance
Create a First year undergrad research program, industry guest speaker in the classroom program, 0-credit hour technical seminar courses for ECE graduate students, ECE student-alumni mentoring program, and career expo prep.