Texas ECE student Teddy Hsieh has been named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar. Hsieh is studying Materials Research and is supervised by Prof. Seth Bank in the Laboratory for Advanced Semiconductor Epitaxy (LASE).
"My goal is to obtain a Ph.D. in the field of material chemistry," said Hsieh. "My professional aspiration is to teach and conduct research in 3D nanoscale fabrication as a professor at an academic institution."
In 2020, Hsieh received the 2020 Astronaut Scholarship.
"The most exciting part of engineering is you can make something that's … a thousandth the width of a hair and make it sing," said Hsieh. "That really is magic. If you think about it, engineering is magic that we understand. And I think there's something elegant in that."
The goal of the Goldwater Foundation is to "identify and support a significant pool of highly qualified undergraduates who are subsequently obtaining advanced degrees and going on to become this country’s leading scientists, engineers, and mathematicians."